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A molecular Biologist's blog with articles for the layman or anyone who has no specialisation on biology, yet is very interested in understanding the basic concepts of biology. Scientific concepts are simply explained in order for everyone to get a first insight into a series of life's phenomena.
Theodora Chatziisaak, Biology teacher, easy biology, easy science, science, biology, the bio teacher, the biology teacher, corona virus, corona virus easily explained, scientific writer, science teacher, molecular biology, molecular biology concepts, biology for the layman, teaching blog
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5,000,000 lives. That is the number of lives saved globally every year because of vaccines. Vaccines played a tremendously important role in the elimination of infectious diseases such as polio, diphtheria, neonatal tetanus, etc. Polio — a disease that causes paralysis and death — wreaked havoc...

Tracing the origin of a new virus. . . Epidemics made their appearance around 12,000 years ago during the Neolithic period. Starting from this period onwards humans developed gradually densely populated agricultural communities, allowing microbials to spread easier and faster through several means of transmission (water,...

How was the trial designed by Pfizer & BioNTech? What does a 90% efficacy rate mean? Is it safe? In July 2020, Pfizer and BioNTech initiated a late-stage (Phase 3) clinical trial...